Reiki Therapy - Intuitive Healing (1hr)
During an Intuitive Healing session, the Practitioner and the client are working together to create a shift in the energetic system of the client. This shift moves through the subtle energetic bodies and eventually is felt in the physical. The goal of the Practitioner is to get to the root of what is ailing the client through their spiritual guidance and intuition. Intuition being the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning. With this expanded knowledge, the Practitioner brings awareness to the client so that the client can use the information to work through releasing the energy that is stuck in the body that is causing them dis-ease, stress, pain, anxiety or discomfort.
It is always preferable that both person - Practitioner & Client wear non-synthetic (ie cotton, silk or wool) clothing during the session.
How many sessions needed will depend completely on the client and their individual situation, goals, and desires. For some one may be enough, for others it could be a process that lasts years. It is hard to go into detail about what a session looks like since like each person, each process is completely unique. But I can say this; Intuitive healing is an effective, efficient, and powerful method that I see becoming increasingly popular amongst those who are searching for self-actualization and liberation from suffering. It is a process that has personally shifted my world for the better. I have personally seen and heard numerous accounts of transformative and life-changing results from work with Intuitive healers. If you have found yourself on this page, reading this article then I would say you are being called to give it a try yourself. Start with one session and see how it goes, what do you have to lose?
Note : The first 5 mins of the session will be consultation, followed by next 55 mins of treatments.
- Note : Once payment had been made. You can Whatsapp to me @ to check my schedule.